PCUAE v1.8.5bf10


Project Carousel USB – Anniversary Edition download page.
PCUAE v1.8.5bf10


Information about download.

Restore Toolkit removed…

Had to remove the other releases, to many errors reported in them.


Not long now… 🙂

What’s my plan… well there will be three editions of PCUAE 3.1.0, PCUAE 3.1.0 THEC64 Edition, PCUAE 3.1.0 THEA500 Edition and PCUAE All In One Complete Edition the full version will be about 50GB is size so you can choose which one you want to use.

The whole idea of PCUAE is that everything is include with it and is easy to install.

This is taking a while cause I need to make sure it works ok and I had to rebuilt it, got sick of the errors it had and that and I wanted to reorganize its files and folders, it was about time I did.

More on it soon.

You can download a a beta version of PCUAE 3.1.0 THEC64 Edition here… https://my.hidrive.com/lnk/fbCFHtoQ

I hope soon to release a beta version of the PCUAE 3.1.0 THEA500 Edition for THEA500 Mini soon, just copying it to my USB Drive to make sure its runs ok before I do.